Meeting in Olten means you’ll be getting to the point quicker at every seminar or congress, because Olten is at the centre of the main economic areas of Switzerland and can be reached quickly and easily by rail or road.
Its location is just one of its trump cards – the region has every kind of infrastructure for both smaller and larger events. The seminar hotels are of a high standard and catering is first class.
And since neither the seminar rooms nor the environs are at all grey, the fringe events are colourful, too.
Good conferencing!
Weder Seminarräume noch Umgebung sind grau. Und die Rahmenprogramme bunt. Mit unseren «Rahmenprogrammen à la carte» schaffen Sie es bestimmt, den Kopf durchzulüften. Viel Spass!
Rahmenprogramme MICE_2024.pdf (1.67 MB)